Monday, April 23, 2012

April Update

Is it really the end of April already?!  Sheesh.  A lot has been happening lately.  I have been woefully slacking at blogging which I will blame on my inhumane travel schedule.  To give you an idea, in the past 7 days I have  been in 5 states, 5 airports, 4 hotels, 8 airplanes, and 2 rental cars.  But I've been running as much as I can.  Here is what else has been going on:
  • I have already exceeded my fundraising goal of $1000!  I am amazed (although not surprised) at the generosity of my family.  
  • Simeon will be here in exactly one month!!
  • My first race (Big Peach 5k) is creeping up on me - it's May 5th!  I'm excited.  My goal is to run the entire 3.1 miles.
  • I have not had any numbness in my feet lately - yay!  That has been really worrying me because I am scared of being in the middle of a race and needing to stop because my feet need a nap.
  • I won the lottery for a spot in the Peachtree Road Race 10k on July 4th.  I've lived in Atlanta my whole life and never even considered running this race!
I am starting to really feel the effects when I don't go running.  A few weeks ago I was gone for a deposition for an entire week and was not able to run that whole week because of several factors such as working 15 hour days, rain, and no gym in the hotel.  In addition to not running I was eating very poorly that week (which I know are related).  I felt absolutely disgusting all week.  I was puffy, bloated, and exhausted.  I even started to break out, and I generally don't break out other than one lone pimple from time to time.  Lately when I don't feel like running I think about how terrible I felt that week and it gets me going!

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