Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here I am!

Apparently I am blogging just enough lately to keep me from completely deleting this blog.  Throughout the many iterations of this blog (I keep reinventing it...sneaky or indecisive?) I have come to learn several things about myself:
  • I started blogging in my twenties.  I am no longer in my twenties.
  • I like to alternate between blogging about mundane things and making sweeping, profound observations on Life (capital L life - big stuff).
  • I'm probably trying to be a little profound in this post, but just be cool, everyone.
  • I like cats.  I am obsessed with my cats.
  • I can't run.
  • Weight ain't nothing but a number...that tells you how much you weigh.  And is directly related to your cheeseburger and potato chip intake.
  • I just can't blog unless I have something to blog about.
So I'm here to tell you that...wait for it...at long last I have something to blog about!  I know that you just breathlessly uttered "what could it be?"  (You've been waiting for this!)  Well, since you asked, it's a little place that looks like this and in one short* month will be ours!

Inside this sweet little gem (which I like to think resembles the house from Father of the Bride...I said resembles, people) awaits numerous poor paint colors, outdated bathrooms (including: The Bathroom Without a Shower and a Toilet So Close to the Tub that Your Knees Touch the Edge and Did I Mention It Has Carpet), more questionable carpet, a sprawling bonus room adorned in peeling wallpaper, and a plethora of what will be empty rooms until we can afford to fill them up.  You, dear blog readers, will be in for a treat as I document each delightful and probably-most-of-the-time boring step as we transform the inside of this home to match the beauty of the outside.  Which is totes amazing.  If you think about it, it's kind of like the opposite of the Biggest Loser.

Also, I plan to talk about our cats.  You're welcome in advance..

*This month will probably feel like agony.  Two-bedroom-apartment based agony.

1 comment:

  1. Camille! It's beautiful! What a fun project. I can't wait to see it progress! The backyard? Gracious. so pretty!
