Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another 31 Things Update

Here is an update of where I stand on my 31 Things to-do list.


1.  Complete wedding scrapbook.
2.  Run a half-marathon.
3.  Buy a house.
4.  Pay off my car. - completed October 2012
5.  Take Wes to a UGA game in Athens.
6.  Take a golf lesson.
7.  Buy a nice camera.
8.  Host a family holiday at our house.
9.  Frame a shadowbox of wedding items.
10.  Do a detox/cleanse.  - completed 09/20/12 
11.  Color my hair. - completed November 2012
12.  Lose 20 lbs.
13.  Exceed my billable hour requirement at work. - completed for 2012
14.  Write a short story.
15.  Train Ollie to not poop on the floor.
16.  Beat Super Mario Galaxy.
17.  Complete 2010-2011 scrapbook.
18.  Give at least one homemade Christmas gift.
19.  Find a signature scent and start wearing it.
20.  Seriously clean out closet.
21.  Go to the North Georgia Mountains with Wes.
22.  Visit Nashville.
23.  Get a customized stamp once we have a house.
24.  Select and print canvas prints from wedding photos.
25.  Make some Pinterest Christmas decorations.
26.  Get my calves small enough that I can wear knee-high boots.
27.  Create a jewelry display/storage system.
28.  Have wedding rings appraised.
29.  Buy a new car (preferably a small SUV!).
30.  Go rock climbing (indoor, obviously).
31.  Climb Stone Mountain with Wes.

Obligatory Resolution-Type Post

Naturally, it has been a while since I blogged.  And, even more predictably, it is the second-to-last day of 2012 and I'm in one of those introspective moments when I resolve that I * will * blog more in 2013!

But seriously, I am going to blog more in 2013.  How do I know?  Well, for one, Santa brought me a super fancy MacBook Pro for Christmas, and I now have the proper tools for blogging!  My old MacBook was in a sad state and I rarely turned it on, which is one main reasons I never blogged.  Yea, that's it.  I also need to remind myself that it's okay to blog even though I don't have any kids to talk about.

So here are the things that I RESOLVE to do in 2013, or, more accurately, the things I hope will happen in 2013:

1.  Start writing more in an effort to not lose my creative writing skills I once had (read: blog more!)
2.  Buy a house
3.  Lose 20 pounds
4.  Finish our wedding scrapbook
5.  Complete the Publix half marathon in March

I have decided to leave off what would be number 6: get my s&#@ together.  Because I'm already kind of doing that anyway, and, realistically, how do you measure accomplishing that at the end of 2013?  I guarantee that come December 31, 2013, I would find a way to tell myself I still needed to get my s$&@* together in 2014.  So enough with that.

There are some other things I guess I'm "resolving" to do in 2013, but I'm not calling them resolutions because that's kind of a recipe for failure.  These are just things I'd like to do in 2013: visit family in Boston and Ohio several times; purge unnecessary junk from our house; downsize my wardrobe to things I actually wear; buy some grown-up furniture.  I'd also like for my blog to be interesting/well-written and for people to actually read it.

We'll see about that one, I guess.